RFP: SFY 2024 Workforce Area 2 WIOA One-Stop Operator Services

RFP Closes: 05-08-2023 04:00 PM

Ohio’s Local Area 2 Workforce Development Board (WDB) announces the issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for entities seeking to provide the following workforce development services during State Fiscal Year 2024: One-Stop Operator Services at OhioMeansJobs Summit County and OhioMeansJobs Medina County.


 Request for Proposals
 Exhibits and Appendices
 Excel Budget Forms


Important dates:

 Activity Date
 Letter of Intent to Propose due  4/21/23 at 4:00 PM
 Deadline to send RFP questions  5/5/23 at 4:00 PM
 Proposals due  5/8/23 at 4:00 PM