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Employer Incentive and Training Programs

The Workforce Innovation and Opporunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) contributes to economic growth and business expansion by ensuring the workforce system is job-driven, which supports developing skilled workers and matching them to employers. Find out what employer incentives and programs are available to you.

On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Summit County’s On-the-Job Training (OJT) program offers employers a way to be partially reimbursed for hiring and training job seekers in permanent positions. Job seekers must be assessed for program eligibility by OMJ center staff. The initial contract takes about one week to execute before an employee can begin working. After that, additional employees can be added with a simple training plan. OMJ staff will complete most of the paperwork and will help you with the rest! Find out more about OJT.

Transitional Jobs (TJ)

Summit County’s Transitional Jobs (TJ) program offers employers a way to hire temporary employees by subsidizing wages up to 100%. TJ is a great way for job seekers with little to no work history to develop skills for their resume and incentivize employers to provide meaningful work experience. Job seekers must be assessed for program eligibility by OMJ staff. The initial contract takes about one week to execute before an employee can beginworking. After that, additional TJ employees can be added with a simple skill development plan. OMJ staff will complete most of the paperwork and will help you with the rest!

  • Transitional Jobs are available to all sector industries.
  • Transitional Jobs can be anywhere from 2-12 months depending upon how many hours per week the employee works (20 hours minimum). A plan is created which cites the details of this period of time.
  • The minimum wage for any TJ employee must be at least $11 per hour.
  • Employers can be reimbursed for up to 100% of a TJemployee’s wages.
  • Employers must be committed to helping those with barriers to employment develop work history and soft skills.
  • Reimbursement requires a signed invoice and documentation demonstrating wages paid to the employee.
  • Employers using TJs must be willing to interview TJ employees for permanent positions after the TJ period.

Questions? Call our Business Services line at (330) 630-4644.


Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)

Summit County’s Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program offers employers a way to subsidize the cost of training employees in obtaining the skills necessary to retain employment, avert layoffs, and/or increase the employees’ and company’s competitiveness. Our Business Services team at the OMJ center will help you complete paperwork so you can focus on making an investment
in your workforce! Funding for IWT is limited and may not be available year-round.

  • IWT is available to all sector industries.
  • Between 50-90% of the cost of training can be subsidized, depending on the size of the employer.
  • Employees must be with the employer for at least 6 months to qualify for IWT.
  • Employees must make at least $13 per hour after completing their training program.
  • The University of Akron and Stark State College are available to work with employers to develop a training program to fit their needs.
  • Training programs must award participants an industry-recognized credential at the completion of training.

Questions? Call our Business Services line at (330) 630-4644.